Tuesday, September 28, 2010


"Love isn't finding a perfect person. It's seeing an imperfect person perfectly"
                                                                                                                                     ~ Sam Keen

This is one of my most favoritiest quotes. 

I sometimes think we can get so caught up in what we think Love is or how it should look like or feel like that we miss the biggest picture of all.  Love, to me, is a choice that i make daily.  I wake up every morning and i choose to love my fiance...not because of what he can do to me, or for me or with me or the things he says to me, but i love him for who is now.  I accept his past for what it is...his past because quite frankly your past helps shape your future.  If it wasn't for his past he wouldn't be the man that he is today and he wouldn't be the man of God that he is.  Yes, we are both working on our relationship with God, but in the end our relationship will be the most beautiful thing because of our mutual love of God first and then our love for each other. It seems like to me, that people go into relationships thinking "what can I get out of this" and really you should be thinking "what can i do for you".  Its all about being selfless.  Good grief, i know i have a lot to learn about relationships and what my role is going to be in a marriage relationship, but if can all get one thing down we will be golden...ok really like 2 things down.  They are:
1. Our relationship with God is priority over everything else
2. Choose daily to love your spouse and to take the good and the bad and remember things happen for a reason and that we need to trust God with everything.  He knows what he is doing and my how easily we all forget that.
Wow, I've gone on quite the little tangent haven't I? haha :)  Thanks for reading it all the way through!

So in other news, our engagement photos are this weekend!  I am so stinking excited!  Its going to be such a fun time and my friend, Jayma, is taking the photos and let me just tell you.  She is amazing at them. and when i say amazing...i mean it.  Like, i just love them. hahaha!  She is actually going to be coming back in July to take our wedding photos, which is just so amazing and i am so honored she is willing to fly all the way back here for the wedding.  So awesome! 

Ok, well, thanks for letting me ramble on and on...i appreciate it! :)  Have a fantastic day!


Monday, September 20, 2010

Ninja Jessie takes on the...church foyer

Happy Monday Everyone!!!!!

Yes, I'm in a great mood (despite my getting a head cold, what is up with that?!)

Why? you may ask...well, wouldn't you know it...


Woot, woot : )

Needless to say, I'm ecstatic!

Church was interesting to say the least.  I'm on the worship team so i usually hang out in the back during the first service, but i knew i couldn't let my fiance (DAH! I'm so excited to say that!) be out there all by his lonesome, so i braved the foyer.  well, first i made sure i could see one of my dear friends so i could make a beeline to her to make sure she could somewhat protect me (haha, i know, I'm a spaz, i just don't do great with all the attention on me).  Its like people had this radar on me and then made a beeline for me...haha, it was great.  I love how supportive most people are (we did take everyone by surprise) and just the excitement that was in the air.  Totally a fun day!  I'm somewhat overwhelmed with everything that has be planned and thought about, but all in all, I'm so excited to marry the love of my life! :) (yep. got slightly mushy there...whatcha gonna do about it ;) hahaha!)

Ahh, what bliss : )

Ok, i hope yous had a fantastic weekend...i will get on later to share how my weekend was, but i thought i would start off with the bestest and greatest news! : )

Love yous!


Friday, September 17, 2010

Too Early...

Snow...in September.  Yes, i do repeat, it is SNOWING in SEPTEMBER!  I'm not ready for this snow...its far too early.  Yes, i'm going to rant and rave and complain right now about how i dont like snow...in September. 

This is what i think...i think snow in November is the most perfect time for it...gets you all in the mood for Thanksgiving and Christmas and its just plain fun.  But in September...its too early and takes away from what little fall we have up here in MT.  I'm sad and utterly disappointed. : (

Ok, i'm done.

In other news, wait, who am I kidding, there isnt any other news to share...right now.  Haha  : )

I dont have much weekend plans.  Tomorrow i have a coffee date, but other than that i believe my weekend is free and clear...other than of course FOOTBALL!  I havent shared how much i love football yet, have I?  Well, i love it...if i could, i would watch every single game on the weekend and throughout the week (Cant forget about Monday Night Football and Thursday Night Football).  There is just something about watching a good game that i cant pass up.  Its so much fun...sitting there all cozy in you jammies watching a good game with close friends.  So what if you fall asleep for a quarter...thats just part of watching the games and just the whole experience.  Yep, i love it :)

Well, i do believe i will get off for now.  Have a great weekend friends!! :)


Friday, September 3, 2010


I'm officially the biggest SLACKER of all!  I cannot believe it has been since stinking August 19th that I last posted something...anything.  Good grief...I don't know what my deal is (ok, yes I do, but I'm not going into details at this point in time, hahaha)

So...lets see...

*MY SISTER IS HERE!!! Yay!  I'm so happy...well, she has been here since Sunday, but no one knows that because this little slacker didn't post anything...hehehe.  It has been so much fun having the family here and just getting to spend time with them.  I love having my Nieces and Nephew here...so much fun!  Its been too stinking long since i last saw them...too long.  And of course cant forget to mention the brother-in-law, lol!  Its always fun to hang out with him too.  All in all, their visit so far has been so much fun!

*Lets see...i dont have much to post right now.  I'm currently just going with the flow of things, lol.

*I do have news...but nothing to speak of yet...lol once I get to that point, I will, but just know...Im extremely happy ecstatic!

*hmm...ok, i'm going to leave you know just pondering about things ;)

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and that you are all safe!!!!
