Thursday, August 19, 2010

You've Got Mail...

By far, my most favoritest movie...EVER! Its my go to movie when I'm feeling down and I refer to it most often as my "happy" movie.  Never fails...I watch it and it instantly puts a little pep in my step :)

One of my favorite lines out of it is: "My head feels...fuzzy".

Makes me laugh every time...and really, my head feels so fuzzy this past week.  Head colds are the worst, aren't they?  I'm ready for it to go back to normal and for the floating feeling to go away :) 

Yes, I'm complaining, bu good news is...I'm done now :)

Kinda looking forward to the weekend...well really, I'm just looking forward to tonight.  I have a dinner to go to and so it should be a lot of fun!  I love socializing with people and a certain someone will be there, so that makes it all the more fun ;)

Ok, for now, I will will leave you, but one thing is for sure...I will be writing tomorrow...not gonna lie, I'm somewhat addicted :)

Bye!!  (wow, this was a stinking short entry today, haha)


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ninja Jessie takes on the car

Hello Blogging Friends!

(Yes, the title makes sense as you read along, haha)
Sadly, the weekend is over...but great news...IT WAS A FUN ONE! :)

Friday night was fun to say the least (well other than the fact that I went to Wal-Mart on a Friday night and it was crazy...needless to say, I was a very grumpy jessie when i got home).  We ended up watching "Date Night" and my goodness I laughed so hard I was almost totally need to see it

Saturday was actually rather uneventful during the day.  I just laid around and watched:

Woo Hoo!!!!

I watched all 3, I do repeat, all 3 of the original movies this weekend.  Gosh, I love them.  There is nothing like Han Solo and Chewbacca or Yoda and Luke and Darth Vader and just everyone!  Dahh!!!  Totally had such a great day watching them.  That night I got my butt in gear and went to the last night of DownPour.  It was  My goodness, so much stinking fun!  KJ52 was a blast and then Newsboys came out!  Dahhh!!!  So much stinking fun!  Michael Tate is the new lead singer for the group and they re-did "Jesus Freak" (for those of you who don't know, it is a DCTalk song) and it was awesome!  We were jumping and screaming and just loving on Jesus and it was just fantastic!  A GREAT way to end the concert!

Sunday was busy as always.  I had worship this week (I'm on the worship team for our church) and we only had 1 service this week so we could go to church in the park.  (Its where a bunch of churches get together to have a service together). Its fun, but distracting as all get out.  Then I went home and made bread (pesto and then regular) and some cookies.  I then proceeded to finish watching Star Wars because where I just happened to have left off on Saturday was where I picked up from on Sunday (they were having a marathon on Spike).  I was so impressed and really excited.  So I baked and then decided a nap was due...I'm fighting this stupid head cold and all I need want is sleep and more sleep.  So I took a little nap until my very nosy alert dog decided it was time to get up and so decided to bark at everything that went by.  My friend (Charity) came over and the Roomie (aka Erica) and Charity and I decided to run to Target (the best store EVER) and then go rent a movie.  In the midst of getting to Target Charity thought it would be the best idea ever to re-teach me how to drive a stick shift. Panic somewhat ensued on my part (remind me to someday tell you the story of me trying to drive a stick for the first time...rather hilarious) but then I decided it could be fun.  It was.

First...I couldn't really get the car started...granted I only stalled it once, but it would jerk forward and then away we would go...shifting in between the gears is easy-peasy.

Second...reversing is crazy!  My friends call me "Ninja Jessie"...why?  You might just want to ask them...but in the midst of Charity being proud of me for getting it so quickly she said something about "Ninja Jessie".  Well, right when she said that i zoomed off in reverse...let me tell you, it was hilarious...her timing couldn't have been any better.

Third...I need more practice.  Granted, I got it pretty well but I still need to do it more often and not just in the COT parking lot.

All in all, a fun weekend...with tons of laughs and good times with friends.

Ok, I'm off now...Bye!!


Friday, August 13, 2010

Everybody's working for the...


Woo hoo, its finally here.  The weekend!!!  How sweet it is to know that tomorrow morning, I can sleep in...until my hearts long as Tucker (the black beast pictured below who is actually MUCH bigger now, but that was the only good picture I could find) allows me to. 

I have a great weekend planned...busy busy busy, thats the only way to go, lol : )  I have a movie night planned for this evening (Paranormal Activity (EEKKK!!!!!) and Date Night are in the lineup) and then tomorrow is full of either going to Garage Sales, the Farmer's Market, Mini Golfing, Bowling or a combination of all.  Then there is a free concert event this weekend called "Downpour" Its where a bunch of Chirstian artists come and just put on concerts.  This year we have Newsboys, Addison Road, Pillar and KJ52 (to just name a few).  So it should be exciting!  I believe thats all for today...I dont have too many words to share (shocking I know, haha). Hopefully I will have some fantastic stories for you on Monday

Happy Weekend All!!


Thursday, August 12, 2010


Need I say more?

Ok, I will...haha :) 

Coffee is my...happiness on a crazy day.  It calms me down when I'm all stressed out and it puts a little pep in my step on just one of "those" days.  My most favorite coffee ever...Starbucks of course. Ok, so my people say I'm a coffee snob picky about my coffee.  I cant help it that I was raised drinking Starbucks and in my opinion, nothing compares.  I've tried everything: Folgers, Caribou, Dunkin Donuts, Hastings, even African Coffee but alas, nothing stands a chance when put up against my beloved Starbucks (Arabic Coffee came close, but I will always chose Starbucks over everything).

Why am I writing an entire post about coffee?  Possibly because I could totally use a White Chocolate Mocha right now, hahaha!  I'd say today is one of  "those" days and a little somthin somthin would be nice.  For now, I will just put up with my coffee/hot chocolate mixture but whats so great about this drink is I used VIA for my coffee (and for those of you who dont know what VIA is...its instant Starbucks coffee, so good you dont even know its instant.  Yeah. That's what I thought...UH.MAZZ.ING)

Funny story about Starbucks real fast:
When I was in NYC with my family and dear friends for my 21st Birthday (best birthday EVER) I decided that it would be somewhat funny to take pictures of every Starbucks we came across.  The first few days we were all gun-ho about it and were actually rather excited to do it...after day 3 and picture like 25 we were about done.  In all, I think I ended up with 30 different pictures of random Starbucks' because honestly, there is one on every.stinking.block.  Whats even more funny is I made my Poppe be in every stinking picture too...what a great guy he is to appease me like that, lol!  Hmm, what great memories.

Ok, I hope you have a fantastic day!!


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Weekend Update

Hey Everyone!

This weekend was at the very least, the most relaxing weekend I've had in a really long time.  Usually I'm shooting off from one place to another barely making it on time to most places (yes, people have started asking me if I'll be on time or on "Jessie-time" which means, late.period...I do have the greatest excuse in the world and it is: I was late to my own birth so, I will be late to everything (possibly a little TMI, but funny nonetheless)) so it was fantastic to just have a day to relax and do.absolutely.nothing.  So Friday night was a little blah.  I got home after Zumba and seriously hit a brick wall.  I had all these great plans to stay up and watch a movie and none f it happened.  Felt real bad for the Roomie because I said I would finally watch "Paranormal Activity" with her and well, that totally didn't happen.  I am a 23 year old girl who goes to bed at 11:00pm on a Friday night...what is wrong with me?! :)

Saturday came bright and early and I was so excited to head off to the mountains.  Left town (finally) around 11:30ish and was at the cabin in no time...thanks to my dear lead foot...(I may name her Gertrude...that's a strong female name) Anyways...I spent the day relaxing out by the creek, in the creek, across the creek and up at the house, right on the creek.  It was such a good day.  I finally got to read my book that I've been trying to read for about 3 months and watched a few episodes of My Boys (if you haven't watched that ever, you need to.  Its so fantastic and yes, it has a lot to do with the Cubs but baseball is good no matter who you like (ok, that totally excludes Red Sox sorry) and I'm sure you would enjoy it).  There was  huge thunderstorm that hit and only lasted like 15 mins but it was so awesome!  I just love going up to the mountains and appreciating God's beautiful creation. 

Sunday, I had Church and coffee cart and that was just fantastic.  After that I had a great day of relaxation at a friend's BBQ (they are leaving to go to Jersey for the military...we will miss them SO much!) and then I spent the rest of the afternoon at my parent's soaking up the sunshine.  I finally got my hair done and boy don't I feel great now.  There's just something about getting your hair done that is just so...refreshing :)  Totally love it! :) Once I figure out how to post pictures, I will totally do that!

Last quick little note: I'm a girl who loves sports.  And yes, I don't know the history of Baseball and I don't know the names of the players or their positions most of the time, but sports to me is so much fun.  I love Baseball and Football and Hockey.  I love the excitement in the air whenever a game is on and I love going to baseball games.  I try to keep up with the boys but most the time i fail miserably, but that does not mean I'm any less of a fan.  I was watching "Baseball Tonight" and "SportsCenter" last night and I'm so pumped for football season!  Its gonna be a great year!  :)  I think the reason I love sports so much is because of my Poppe (aka my Dad).  I was always the one watching sports with him and him teaching me things about it.  I'll always remember going to a baseball game (just a local team, but still fun) and him sitting there teaching me how to keep score and count the balls and strikes and how to show if the player made it home and all that fun jazz.  It totally made the game even more fun and interesting! And honestly, I'll never forget that.  Yes, I'm a total Daddy's Girl and I love every moment of it :)

Ok, I hope yous are all having a fantastic week so far!!!  I'll be in touch soon :)


Friday, August 6, 2010

The Beginning

Hey Everyone!
Ok, this is the first time I have ever, and I do mean ever written a blog before.  I'm excited...this is going to be a fun way to keep my family (ok, really my sister) in the loop of things happening in my life and as a way to just share some funny stories.  Because lets be honest here some stories of life you just have to share : )
I'm not going to promise that I will stay on top of writing on here nor will I apologize (too often that is) for not blogging like I should : )  This will be a slow process as I get into the swing of things : )

So weekend any fun ones? 
I actually do!  My dear co-worker has decided that I need a break from all the drama (and yes, it is mostly boy drama...but I do have to say thats the worst kind) in my life and so she has given me the keys to her Cabin for the day!  How exciting is that?! My dear friend, Charity, is going to come up with me and we are going to have a day of relaxing, floating the creek and doing really whatever we want to do.  Its gonna be great!

Quick story before I log off:
Luke Bryan...ever heard of him?  If you haven't, take a break from reading this right now and google his name.  Its ok, my story can wait, because you need to see what he looks like and possibly listen to one of his songs...preferrably "Country Man", "Rain is a good thing" or "Do I" (those are my favs of the moment).  Let me preface this story by saying, I, throughout my entire growing up and beginning of my adulthood, have hated country music...I do repeat I hated it.  Not the case anymore...something has happened within and I find myself turning to the country stations (and yes, there are like 3 in this town alone not to mention I have satalite radio so I have an additional 5 or so to listen to) buying country CD's and actually being able to sing along to random country songs as I walk through the store.  A new phase has come into my life and I am proud to say I am excited for this new phase of music :)  So, back to Luke Bryan.  He came to our State Fair that we had this past week.  I was excited to see him and have been planning on it for like 3 weeks and then the day came and it was finally time to go see this amazingly handsome man.  We were driving up to where the fair was being held, getting all excited to go and see him and then this random truck with a boat hitched to it turns in front of me when it was clearly marked he was not allowed to do so.  So, me, being the most polite driver ever (yeah...right) yelled, Hey Idiot, its clearly marked to not go there!!! (thankfully windows were rolled up and no one could hear me but my poor friend who was stuck driving with the physco blonde that evening).  So we get our parking spot and are totally pumped for the concert...and wouldnt you know it, crazy boat man re-appears and this time I get a good look at the man.  I stare and I gasp "oh my gosh are you serious"...turns out the so called "idiot" was our beloved Luke Bryan.  I felt so mouth got the best of me again.  And its not like he really knew I called him that, but seriously...I couldnt believe it.  So after being utterly ashamed and getting made fun of by my dear friend, we walked into the concert arena and had a great night!  I couldnt believe how much fun we all had!  He is a great entertainer...he not only sings but he can move (and when I say move, I mean it...gotta love the dancing) and he has a great sense of humor.  Totally a triple threat!  We ended the night by walking around the fair and food area and looking at all the youngsters we like to call "Jail Bait".  Then went home and had sweet dreams of Luke Bryan singing and somehow me ending up fishing...dreams, they can be interesting. 

I hope yous all have a fantastic weekend and I will check back in Monday...hopefully full of some fantasticly funny stories :)
