Hey Everyone!
This weekend was at the very least, the most relaxing weekend I've had in a really long time. Usually I'm shooting off from one place to another barely making it on time to most places (yes, people have started asking me if I'll be on time or on "Jessie-time" which means, late.period...I do have the greatest excuse in the world and it is: I was late to my own birth so, I will be late to everything (possibly a little TMI, but funny nonetheless)) so it was fantastic to just have a day to relax and do.absolutely.nothing. So Friday night was a little blah. I got home after Zumba and seriously hit a brick wall. I had all these great plans to stay up and watch a movie and none f it happened. Felt real bad for the Roomie because I said I would finally watch "Paranormal Activity" with her and well, that totally didn't happen. I am a 23 year old girl who goes to bed at 11:00pm on a Friday night...what is wrong with me?! :)
Saturday came bright and early and I was so excited to head off to the mountains. Left town (finally) around 11:30ish and was at the cabin in no time...thanks to my dear lead foot...(I may name her Gertrude...that's a strong female name) Anyways...I spent the day relaxing out by the creek, in the creek, across the creek and up at the house, right on the creek. It was such a good day. I finally got to read my book that I've been trying to read for about 3 months and watched a few episodes of My Boys (if you haven't watched that ever, you need to. Its so fantastic and yes, it has a lot to do with the Cubs but baseball is good no matter who you like (ok, that totally excludes Red Sox fans...so sorry) and I'm sure you would enjoy it). There was huge thunderstorm that hit and only lasted like 15 mins but it was so awesome! I just love going up to the mountains and appreciating God's beautiful creation.
Sunday, I had Church and coffee cart and that was just fantastic. After that I had a great day of relaxation at a friend's BBQ (they are leaving to go to Jersey for the military...we will miss them SO much!) and then I spent the rest of the afternoon at my parent's soaking up the sunshine. I finally got my hair done and boy don't I feel great now. There's just something about getting your hair done that is just so...refreshing :) Totally love it! :) Once I figure out how to post pictures, I will totally do that!
Last quick little note: I'm a girl who loves sports. And yes, I don't know the history of Baseball and I don't know the names of the players or their positions most of the time, but sports to me is so much fun. I love Baseball and Football and Hockey. I love the excitement in the air whenever a game is on and I love going to baseball games. I try to keep up with the boys but most the time i fail miserably, but that does not mean I'm any less of a fan. I was watching "Baseball Tonight" and "SportsCenter" last night and I'm so pumped for football season! Its gonna be a great year! :) I think the reason I love sports so much is because of my Poppe (aka my Dad). I was always the one watching sports with him and him teaching me things about it. I'll always remember going to a baseball game (just a local team, but still fun) and him sitting there teaching me how to keep score and count the balls and strikes and how to show if the player made it home and all that fun jazz. It totally made the game even more fun and interesting! And honestly, I'll never forget that. Yes, I'm a total Daddy's Girl and I love every moment of it :)
Ok, I hope yous are all having a fantastic week so far!!! I'll be in touch soon :)
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